5 Qualities That Define A Strong Man!

5 Qualities of a Strong Man

5 Qualities That Define A Strong Man!

Many articles online will tell you how to act masculine, or how to get that girl, but few will give you accurate and effective information on how to be a strong man. There are certain areas in life that, as a man, you need to perfect before moving on to other areas of self-improvement. In this article, I will explain the 5 qualities that you need to acquire in order to become a man of strength and integrity.

1. Being a Gentleman

They say chivalry is dead – but I beg to differ. I’m 100% positive that having manners and treating others with respect is a huge part of being a man. In the modern world, being a gentleman is simply a matter of choice. Being a gentleman isn’t about being perfect, it’s about the pursuit of improving yourself and being the best you can be. At the same time, being a gentleman is about elevating not only yourself but everyone around you. At its root, being a gentleman is about human connection and being aware of how your choices affect others, and in today’s society we desperately need more men like this.

2. Having Ambition

A fundamental aspect of any self-respecting man is entering the universe and leaving his imprint on the world. Since ancient times, men have been the warriors, hunters and providers for their families and tribes. Although we no longer have to kill for our food and clothing, we are still at the forefront of getting things done and providing for not only ourselves, but our families and communities. Having ambition includes recognizing what your full potential looks like, and taking actionable steps towards realizing it in your life.

In today’s world there are so many distractions and meaningless ways to invest your time. As a kid I loved playing video games, loved it, I mean, I would play all night. But at a certain point I realized that all of those accolades and accomplishments I’d ‘achieved’ in this virtual world meant nothing once I turned off the gaming system. Strong men realize that there are things in life that give you the illusion of achievement, such as video games and pornography, two of the most popular mediums of entertainment among 21st century men, and they avoid them.

For more on ambition, please refer to Entrepreneur’s Top 10 Traits You Must Cultivate to become Ambition here.

3. Honesty

Guys, let’s be honest… I mean really, let’s be honest. So many people look at lying as a harmless act, when in reality it can be very insidious. Not only is it wrong to deceive others, but it adds stress to your life and frankly is a trait of a weak man, because he who lies is not strong enough to face the reality of his situation. Honesty really is the best policy and, though it may not feel like it at the time, it can only help you to tell the truth. The only thing worse than hearing a harsh truth is finding out you’ve been being lied to the whole time.

When you lie you disrespect those around you, and you act selfishly by keeping the truth from them. It takes bravery to tell the truth, especially in certain situations, but it’s part of being a strong man. I could go on and on about the disadvantages of lying in your life, but I’ll just say that if you lie to yourself enough, you’ll lose the ability to see the truth in others.

4. Confidence

Confidence is key. Anecdotal and true, confidence is a major part of being a man. True confidence is quiet, and not pretentious. When a confident man enters the room the energy changes and like a sunflower to the sun, women will turn their heads to see who the energy is radiating from!

Confidence comes more naturally for some than others, but there are certainly some steps you can take towards generating confidence in yourself. Firstly, you can start exercising. Nothing boosts your confidence quite like getting a good workout in. With the increased blood flow, your mind and body will both feel better. You can also take up learning a new skill to keep you sharp, and there are literally millions to choose from. Whether it’s learning how to restore an old car or joining a dojo for some karate lessons, learning a skill is a great way to keep you sharp.

Confidence is about knowing who you are and what you want, and having the courage to go out and get it. Walk with your head up and chest held high, stay focused on your goals and morals, and you’re well on your way to being a man of strength.

For more on how to be more assertive, please read our other article here.

5. Having A Good Attitude

Fellas, let’s face it: life isn’t a smooth ride. It has its ebbs and flows, and quite frankly, it’s a bumpy ride the whole way. There’s going to be challenges along the way, and sometimes those challenges will feel insurmountable. We can’t always control our circumstances, and we also can’t always control our outcomes, but what we can control is our mindset.

Think back to a time where you hated something, only to later come back to that thing with a sense of appreciation and love. Our attitude towards people, places and things in life are not fixed, they are ever-changing. It doesn’t exactly matter how you feel in this moment because, like everything else in life, it will change. An important thing to keep in mind is the drive and desire to create a more positive mindset and environment for that mindset to thrive.

Being a strong man is about recognizing these facts, and acting in a way that accentuates this truth and uses it to your advantage. Having a positive mindset and a good attitude can only do things to improve your current situation, whereas harboring a negative mindset can turn even the best of situations into a seemingly helpless pit of despair.

Being a strong man isn’t only about physical strength, but mental and emotional strength as well. If you can take these steps and implement them into your life, you’re sure to see and increase in your masculine energy and how people treat and perceive you in your daily life!

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